momentum (pdf)


“where would we be without the other queers
who gave us words to grow and take roots in our minds […]”


a digital version of the zine exploring a queer becoming from a semi-rural aro-ace perspective. made in collaboration with Marieke Pras from spouk.

(for more details see below)


Try this: Explain what asexuality and aromanticism are without mentioning what they are not. What does it mean to understand ourselves through negation? “momentum” is an elaborate visual poem about finding openings in our surroundings and mirrors in our fellow queers, dreaming up futures beyond white picket fences from a semi-rural aro-ace perspective – a queer becoming.

This zine was created in collaboration with Marieke Pras (she/her) from spouk, a queer indie designer and printmaker from Groningen.

Each download includes:
1 digital zine (pdf, 12.3 MB, 9 pages, including one caption page with the poem in plain text).
If you prefer a print-version of this visual poem, we got you covered. If you are interested in a print (DIN A3/29.7 x 42 cm) of any page from this zine, please don’t hesitate to contact us.